San Diego Life Coach – I Help You Reach Your Peaks!
I’m Dr. Frank Carter. I specialize in working with business and healthcare professionals, and their spouses. I provide personal life coaching, and coaching for business or family success. My office is located in San Diego, California
Does this sound like you?
“My life is not working out like I planned.”
“My business is not as successful as I had anticipated.”
“My job is taking a toll on my family life.”
“My family life is taking a toll on me and my career.”
As an experienced life coach I can say that you are not alone! These are very common struggles that my Individual Coaching, Family Coaching and Business Coaching has helped my clients work through. While initially my clients believe that the source of such grievances comes from outside influences, i.e., their job, the economy, undependable friendships, unrealistic spousal expectations, or overly demanding children, the surprising reality is that this is generally not the case!
At the heart of their dissatisfaction with their life are ineffective beliefs and expectations left over from earlier life experiences. The good news is through personal coaching work, changing your behavior also changes what you believe, and in turn, what you can expect from the world.